About Delson

I am neither awakened nor non-awakened. I am neither an arahant nor not an arahant. I am neither a being nor not a being. I am neither man nor human nor consciousness. I am neither the body nor experiences nor concepts nor intentions nor awareness itself. I am neither joy nor peace nor bliss nor nirvana. I am neither happiness nor sadness, neither truth nor untruth, neither dual nor non-dual. I am neither fear nor expectation, neither relief nor suppression, neither teacher nor student, neither guru nor disciple, neither Buddhist nor Christian nor Hindu, neither Indian nor American, neither Earthling nor from the stars. I am neither here nor there, neither made of the elements nor the maker of the elements, neither the house nor the housebuilder, neither the mind nor mentation, neither lover nor loved, neither hater nor hated, neither craver nor craved, neither dependent nor independent. I am neither the absolute nor the relative. Neither am I nor am I not, neither of this world nor the other world, neither messenger nor message, neither prophet nor doctrine, neither hoper nor hoped, neither everything nor nothing nor in between. I am neither self-arising nor self-dissolving, neither self-liberated nor self-binding, neither free nor shackled, neither questioner nor question, neither seeker nor sought, neither the answer nor the answered, neither in the box nor out of the box, neither traditionalist nor maverick, neither leader nor follower. I am neither me nor the other, neither one nor zero, neither time nor timeless, neither now nor never, neither seer nor seen nor seeing, neither hearer nor heard nor hearing, neither knower nor known nor knowing.  

One Goal, Many Paths

  • Optimal Mind System

    This is the essence of Delson’s experience as a meditation teacher. Integrating the essence of many diverse practices, Delson has formulated a methodology to address the key components of human life – body, mind, energy, heart, and consciousness – for the benefit of the evolution of the individual at the highest possible levels.

  • Awakening

    Awakening demystifies the true nature of reality as we understand it through various personalized pointing out instructions. These instructions are intuited by Delson in tandem with his extensive experience in ancient wisdom traditions to bring one to a level of awakening using modern contexts through innovative methods.

  • Kriya Yoga

    Kriya Yoga is rooted in ancient texts like the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. It evolved over the centuries before being reintroduced to the modern world by Lahiri Mahasaya. Kriya helps clear energetic blocks in the system, reduces the fear of letting go, and can provide a repeatable formula for attaining high states of non-dual experiences. As a lineage holder of Lahiri’s Kriya, Delson has been initiated in all seven stages and is authorized to disseminate this knowledge to those who seek it.

  • Jhānas

    Rooted in the Pāli Canon and spanning the centuries through time-tested practice of great meditative masters in the Buddhist traditions, the jhānas are sublime levels of elevated awareness and insight. The jhānas, as taught by Delson, allow for an integrated approach to achieving more emotional resilience, a collected focus, and greater degrees of clarity. They are also powerful stepping stones to Nibbana or awakening, the fundamental personality shifts we call the Reboot.

From an early age, Delson immersed himself with extraordinary diligence in spiritual training. He delved deeply into the core principles of Buddhist practice and philosophy, gaining particularly profound insight into the Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination. Prior to his Buddhist studies, Delson explored a broad range of other spiritual traditions, including Christian mysticism, Hinduism, Sufism, Kabbalah, and Taoism. He practiced different forms of meditation, studied sacred texts, and obtained guidance from masters of these disciplines. This comprehensive spiritual education enriched his understanding and provided him with a broad perspective on the universal principles underlying different paths to awakening. Delson’s dedication to his practice led him to attain stages of awakening and multiple levels of meditative absorption, or jhānas, which are fundamental in achieving deep states of tranquility and wisdom. He is also known for his mastery of rarified states of mind and body, such as nirodha samāpatti and arahatta phala.

A Life in the Dharma

Living and Teaching the Path

Delson Armstrong lives at the nexus of traditional models of awakening and emerging trends toward secularization and evidence-based approaches to inner transformation. He is dedicated to adapting timeless truths to changing times, focusing on practices that work instead of dogma-based, cookie-cutter solutions. Whether it's the proven TWIM method, beginning with metta (loving-kindness) and culminating in jhānas and cessation events, or initiations into Kriya Yoga and other supportive techniques aimed at relaxing and activating the mind and body, the emphasis is always on guiding individuals from distress and suffering through understanding and acceptance to deeper realization and freedom of mind.

“Knowledge is one thing, and practice is another, and when you listen to Delson, you can see — you can feel — it is not only the Dharma knowledge but the practice speaking.”


Work directly with Delson